About these pages
These pages were created to share my ideas and projects with other
enthusiasts of the do-it-yourself principle.
The majority of the articles on the page deals with diy projects for
(technical) photography,
which moved into the focus of my hobby in recent years. The recipe
for the projects is:
Good ideas are better than complicated hardware.
About me
From childhood on technical things attracted my attention. It started with disassembling radios, loudspeakers and other valuable objects in reach. Probably it was my father, an electronics engineer, who initiated my interest in electronics by leaving some electronic parts unattended. The interest in engineering also influenced my education. I made my master in Engineering Science at the Technische Universität Berlin where I also finished my PhD in Computational Aeroacoustics. Currently I work for in the field of gas turbines. I'm not involved professionally in electronics or photography. This might be the reason why I'm still so enthusiastic in researching the 'small things'.